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Discover the Benefits of Using Professional Headshots to Attract Your Ideal Audience – Featuring Adam and Vidya Szymkowiak

When it comes to showing the world who you are, you want to make sure that you’re presenting your best self. That’s why photography is such an essential part of being present in the online world.


Furthermore, some of the best shots you can take to help put your face to your name is through captivating headshots.


Having beautifully crafted graphics can tell people a lot about your brand and draw in potential clients, but they won’t build anything between you, your staff, and your ideal audience.


So, what makes headshots different? Headshots have one feature that other images just can’t give you, and that’s personability. The connection that audiences have with images of people far surpasses any graphic or stock photo you can put out there.


Headshots will grant you so many more benefits for your business that graphics just can’t deliver! Here’s just a few reasons headshots are essential for you and your business:


  • Headshots evoke empathy – Graphics are great for your brand image and information, but headshots let your audience see YOU. Your business is more than just the service you provide. It’s you, and headshots give you the opportunity to see that.
  • They build trust – Clients always have brands that they love, but so few companies have trust with them until after the first act of service. Headshots let you show that you’re vulnerable and that you’re there for them. They let your audience know that you are dedicating yourself to the service your business provides.
  • They draw people in – You could make the best graphic in the world with an amazing color pallet and design, but it will never draw in a potential client like a headshot. Audiences love seeing people, and they’ll love seeing you.


But headshots aren’t just good for running a business! They’re fantastic for any kind of campaign you could be running in much like the Szymkowiak family


So, when Adam and Vidya contacted MEDIA – The Creative Agency to have a photography session with them, we knew headshots were just the right option for them.


Adam Szymkowiak is running for the Franklin Park Borough Council, so headshots were absolutely necessary to help with his campaign.


On top of that, Vidya Szymkowiak is running for the North Allegheny School Board, and getting captivating headshots of her would certainly give her a leg up in her own campaign!


So, we got them into our studio as soon as we could to give them wonderful headshots and photos to show the world who they are.


Now both Adam and Vidya have a leg up in both of their campaigns that will draw a better level of trust between them and their audiences.


When it comes to sealing any deal, letting your ideal audience put a face to your name, headshots are simply the only option.


If you need stunning photos and headshots for your business, then contact us! We would adore capturing great photos for you! Keep scrolling to see just a few amazing headshots we took for the Szymkowiak family!










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Editing, Headshot Photography, MEDIAZINE, professional photography
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