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How to Make Your Website a Client Magnet for You – Featuring Jenn Carrasco

You’ve certainly realized, as all entrepreneurs have, that websites are an essential part of running your business. 


Which is why MEDIA – The Creative Agency stepped in for nationally acclaimed, award-winning  and media-recognized, Jenn Carrasco to create her incredible website, jenncarrasco.com.


Jenn is a multifaceted business coach who has been mentoring executives for years, and she was in the market for a website that would do it all. 


This website had to support her brand, highlight her programs and businesses, her podcast, and even her blog. With the help of MEDIA, she got exactly that.


Now she has a website that keeps her thriving! But what does it take for businesses like yours to create a website that will help you succeed?


When you’re creating and designing a website for yourself, there’s always one thing that should be on your mind. Keeping your audience’s eyes glued to that screen.


If your website isn’t putting in the legwork to draw your audience’s eye and hold that stare, it isn’t doing its job!


Your primary objective in terms of design, layout, and even jargon are essential components that drive your audiences further through your website and eventually your business.


If these components aren’t working in conjunction with each other and aren’t actively encouraging your audience to stay on the page, then your website hasn’t done anything for you.


But how do you design a website that encourages your audience’s attention? Here’s a few basic steps you can take to entice your audience’s eye:


  • Incorporate moving graphics at the top of each page – Visuals remain king in the internet age. They never fail to capture the eye and hold its gaze. Great examples of this are scrolling slideshows, compelling videos, or short, moving graphics to keep them engaged.
  • Use language that speaks to your client – The language you use on your website should speak to the heart of the client and voice itself to the clients needs. Using jargon or technical language that’s specific to your industry won’t encourage them to keep reading if they aren’t familiar with that industry. In short, they’re regular people, so talk to them like they are.
  • Use alluring, professional photos – Use professional photos of yourself, and your team if you have one, to create a deeper connection to your client. Whether someone is a peer or potential customer, people like to know who they’re doing business with. Putting a face to your business’s name will only encourage them to continue on your site. Additionally, you want to have good photos on your website to make yourself look as professional as you know you are.


By using these basic elements, you’ll have the foundation of a website that will catch their eye and keep it hooked. 


The biggest risk your website poses to potential business is allowing your audience to click away, so basic components like these can take you a long way.


If you need a website that will represent you and your business well, contact us! The internet is now a primary source of business, so being present will only benefit you.


And if you want to peruse through Jenn’s website, click here.

Tags :
Graphic Design, MEDIAZINE, online marketing, Product Photography, professional photography, web development
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