We had the honor of speaking with Senior Vice President Rob Brown, and Director of Marketing, Kelsic Pross of RDX.
Rob Brown brings over 15 years of sales management, marketing and leadership experience to RDX. Rob joined RDX in 2002 as a sales representative and was responsible for helping build global demand for RDX’s remote DBA services. Kelsic is the head of the marketing department, overseeing all marketing staff and activities. She is responsible for the marketing, communication and business development efforts of RDX. Kelsic began her career at RDX in February 2008 as a Marketing Associate.
RDX is the leading global provider of remote DBA, cloud, and data. Learn more about RDX and how they help businesses across the globe.
MEDIAZINE: In a nutshell what would a total stranger want to know regarding what type of company RDX is?
ROB: So, RDX is really an IT managed services organization. So, we don’t necessarily sell hardware or software. We’re completely vendor-agnostic. Really our organization supports a variety of technologies from the operating system layer all the way to the application system layer as well as being able to provide fully managed infrastructure services around certain applications like SAP, Oracle EBS, and also getting into a lot of level one and type two type support.
KELSIC: Since IT is driving innovation for so many of today’s businesses, having a strategic technology partner like RDX in your corner can be a gamechanger. We give you the expertise, scale, and strategic direction you need to really take your company to the next level.
MEDIAZINE: How long has RDX been around?
ROB: We’ve been around since 1994 and we’ve been performing these IT managed services since 2002.
MEDIAZINE: Word on the street is that you specialize in remote DBA. If you were to write a page on remote DBA services for dummies how would you describe it and why is it important?
ROB: We make sure the database is performing well, that it’s available and recoverable. But we also make that data intelligent so we become business intelligence experts as well.
MEDIAZINE: That sounds incredibly valuable. Since you’ve started, you have grown tremendously as a company. What a tip that you would give to other ambitious business folks looking to achieve the same amount of success?
ROB: The biggest thing is finding your identity and have a very consistent message. As long as you have a passion, and you can align the talent to support it, you’ll be successful. There are two things in life that make anyone successful, and that’s passion and talent no matter whether you’re selling a paperclip, or database management services.
MEDIAZINE: What are a few things that you do personally to achieve personal success that you can share with our ambitious business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals alike?
ROB: Make sure Kelsic comes to work with me every day (laughs).
KELSIC: For me, it’s the desire to never stop learning. If you get too comfortable or complacent in the work that you’re doing or the things that you know, then you’re never going to acquire the skills and knowledge you need to grow your career and business. Go to reputable, relevant websites, train yourself on new technologies, keep up with the trends and strategies that are defining your line of work. Find the resources that are most relevant to your position and where you want to go next. Always be bringing something new and better to the table. I know with Rob we might be doing something okay, but I’m always like why don’t we try it this way instead. Don’t be afraid to speak up and suggest changes that will be better for your business, and ultimately, your career.
MEDIAZINE: That’s really a good point. Speaking of success, what would you guys consider to be a successful person as a whole? Not just career-wise, but something you strive to work on every day?
ROB: It’s attitude. In sports, there’s a saying that you can’t teach speed and size, in a business environment you can’t teach attitude. You can teach skills, you can teach what’s relevant to what your selling or what your presenting as an organization, but something that comes naturally is very much attitude.
KELSIC: And I’d say, while skill and talent are always important, true success comes to the people who are willing to go the extra mile. They go all in. If you ask for one thing, they come back with what you asked for, and then some. They are always adding extra value that wasn’t expected but is always appreciated and helps the business grow. You combine this with a great attitude like Rob mentioned and some natural talent, and you’ve got a standout.
MEDIAZINE: That’s awesome I agree with all of that. Is there anything else that you want the general public to know about RDX?
ROB: From the RDX side, there’s a couple of facts out there. We’re the largest provider of these database management services in the US, we’re a global organization and we’re always trying to help our clients achieve the maximum return of investment with their technology. It’s a great culture, it’s a great workplace. There are some fantastic people that we’re associated with on a regular basis.
You can find out more about the services RDX offers at
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Again, this MEDIA e-zine issue feature was of Rob Brown and Kelsic Pross, of RDX
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