How to Attract BIG MEDIA Opportunities to you…featuring photography by MEDIA – The Creative Agency

Wanna know how YOU can attract MORE of the amazing BIG NAME opportunities to you – like speaking gigs, media coverage, big name TV show opportunities, best-selling books, and multiple new locations for your brand? Follow Dr. Shellie’s lead and put your true, beautiful, authentic self, OUT THERE with your online marketing. This month, MEDIA […]
A Day in the Life of a Muliti-Six-Figure Company Owner Who is Also a Mom of 5 – Tips from Our CEO on How YOU Can Balance Work and Family Life

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a multi-six-figure company owner who is also a mom of 5 school-aged kids look like? This question is asked often, so our CEO, Marta Greca, would like to answer it for you… 🥱 Awake: I wake up 3-4 hours before my 5 kids (I […]
Updated Photos of Steve Deal Help Attract His Online Dream Clients

Steve Deal, of Create a Legacy and Isagenix, is using his photos MEDIA took to promote his business online during this time of social distancing. Through Create a Legacy, Steve coaches his clients virtually on how to make a difference in their family for generations to come. Through Isagenix, Steve is selling nutritious products that […]