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Three Biggest Marketing Myths That May Be Holding You Back from Growth

We invite you to open your minds and hearts today as the possibilities of growth are endless when business growth strategies are implemented in the most magnetizing way! 

Read on for some of the biggest marketing misconceptions we hear as award-winning marketers who have been helping brands generate millions annually with our marketing services! 

My ideal clients aren’t on XYZ platform – This MAY be the case depending on the platform, but often, it’s that the content isn’t speaking to their heart and soul on that platform, and therefore not attracting them. Another opportunity is there another generation that is a powerful helpful decision maker along with your ideal client that IS on that platform? Speak to THEM! For example, we’ve heard things like “My clients are senior citizens, so they’re not on Facebook.” We know for a fact that in this case, this isn’t true, from past findings and market research, but also then, you might say “Well, the next generation plays a big part in their decision-making alongside them,” so you might decide to speak to THAT generation with your content! 

“What I don’t like to see doesn’t work.” Oftentimes, business leaders and owners make the mistake that because they don’t like a certain marketing tactic, it doesn’t work. For example, some business owners don’t like scarcity tactics, ie “Just a few days left” or “We’re almost out!” And we have to be honest, that we like to tap more into clients’ desires than fear-based marketing. However, just because YOU don’t like a marketing tactic, whether it be on social media, e-mail marketing, or on your website, doesn’t mean that your ideal client wouldn’t respond to it. Stay open. Think about what YOUR ideal client wants to see, hear, feel, think – and NOT what YOU do. Likely, you have evolved from the thinking of your ideal client, as an expert in your own industry who is at a different stage in your life. 

“So and so” doesn’t work. It could totally be that at the moment a strategy you’ve been trying doesn’t work for you. Let’s say you’ve been posting on Facebook consistently, and for you, it doesn’t work. Or you’re on LinkedIn every day, and for you, it doesn’t work. Or you e-mail your email list constantly, and for you, it doesn’t work. Or that you’re on Instagram posting, and it doesn’t work. Or perhaps you have a website, and you don’t see it attracting clients naturally. But it could just be that simply, the right strategy isn’t being implemented for these platforms. That a few simple shifts could exponentially take something that is just sitting there, and turn it into a client magnet! That’s what we recently did for a client as we started posting to her LinkedIn for her for example, and already she’s getting leads in her PMs from the right strategy. She was posting consistently on Instagram, but we’ve just switched up some settings to make it way easier for visitors to shop her shop from it! 

By staying open with your mind and heart, while either having fun doing your social media, email, and website marketing or handing it off to someone else like us who LOVES doing it, THAT’S how these become massive client attractors. 

By thinking outside the box, this is exactly how we sell out events, products, and services for our clients. 

We love to help holistic wellness or beauty experts who would love to attract more of your ideal clients by letting go of your social media, email marketing, SEO, web development, event planning, and all the other little moving parts. We’re here for you, so contact us! We’ll help you speak to the heart and soul of your ideal clients in your marketing so that they will want to prioritize working with you above all else they might have going on in their lives. 

PS Wanna get featured in this online magazine, MEDIAZINE, AND on our show, The Mindset Moves Show? Contact us today! You’ll reach thousands and thousands of business leaders looking to grow via e-mail, web, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn! Our guests gain instant clients just from being featured, with long-term results as well! 

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