Welcome to Media Creative Agency

Capture Your Dream Client’s Attention While Staying True to Your Vision

As you become more visible online, you want to be able to attract your dream clients by showcasing the authentic version of yourself. After all, your audience is looking for real people they can connect with beyond a brand name. While you want to make your potential clients feel comfortable, you also want them to […]

How to Build Your Brand and Create Eye-Catching Content

What’s one easy way to enhance your business’s social media marketing to draw your ideal audience to your message? If you’re an entrepreneur who uses social media to market your business, then you know that attracting your ideal audience isn’t always easy.  After all, there’s a lot that goes into creating a social media post […]

Top Ways to Sell Out Your Offer With Organic Marketing and Reach-Outs

There were only a few spots to be a part of a virtual summit – and in no time of “launching” the announcement, the opportunity to attend was sold out with a waiting list of women interested in attending the small group, closed-knitted group eager to learn about holistic health and beauty. No ads were […]

How to Successfully Market Your Business with Professional Photos

  When you market your business, how do you want your audience to view you? Likely, you want to be seen as an expert in your field and highlight the best of yourself and what you have to offer. Professional photos are an excellent way to have your audience perceive you as an industry leader […]

Makin Wellness’s Stunning Headshots, Group Photos, and Environmental Photos

Does your business need to be updated through photographs? Whether your business is a few years old, or a few days old, the MEDIA team will be dedicated to making sure that you and your team have headshots, team photos, or even environmental photos so that you can attract those dream clients. Sara Makin, of […]