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Capture Your Dream Client’s Attention While Staying True to Your Vision

As you become more visible online, you want to be able to attract your dream clients by showcasing the authentic version of yourself. After all, your audience is looking for real people they can connect with beyond a brand name. While you want to make your potential clients feel comfortable, you also want them to […]

How to Build Your Brand and Create Eye-Catching Content

What’s one easy way to enhance your business’s social media marketing to draw your ideal audience to your message? If you’re an entrepreneur who uses social media to market your business, then you know that attracting your ideal audience isn’t always easy.  After all, there’s a lot that goes into creating a social media post […]

Top Ways to Sell Out Your Offer With Organic Marketing and Reach-Outs

There were only a few spots to be a part of a virtual summit – and in no time of “launching” the announcement, the opportunity to attend was sold out with a waiting list of women interested in attending the small group, closed-knitted group eager to learn about holistic health and beauty. No ads were […]

How to Live a Zesty and Adventurous Life in Your 50s, 60s, and 70s

As a business owner, you’re always thinking about the future. Retirement is an important topic, so you’re always trying to plan for what you’ll do when it’s time for you to kick back and relax.  But what about your health and wellness when you finally reach the big 5-0? Even before you reach retirement age, […]

How to Enthrall Your Audience and Draw Them into Your Message and Your Business

Attracting your ideal audience is about more than writing compelling copy. When you’re promoting and marketing your business online, you need more than words to grab their attention. In the visual age, your audience needs to be drawn into your message before they’re willing to listen. Having that gripping copy is necessary once you’ve got […]

What imagery performs best with your content online to attract your ideal clients?

When it comes to posting online, you sometimes feel like you’re playing a guessing game. You’re not quite sure what works and what doesn’t. You know some of your stuff gets tons of engagement, and some of it doesn’t – but why? How? What’s the magic secret that’s going to get your ideal client’s attention? […]

Niching Down

If you are considering niching down, start by asking yourself, “Should I niche down? And why?” Are you niching down because you feel like that’s where the money is?  Or are you niching down because you feel like that’s what you’re passionate about and that’s what really lights you up and you’re like at the […]

Simple Ways to Digitally Declutter 

When there’s too much digital clutter, there’s less focus, more stress, and a disconnect with your loved ones because of all the overwhelm.  Be sure to catch our CEO, Marta Sauret Greca on Pittsburgh Today Live at 9 AM EST to learn her tips and tricks. You’ll want to read on as we share a […]

How to Sell Out Events and Optimize Them for Lead Conversion

When it comes to being a business owner, hosting events isn’t just for fun and high vibes. Sure, maybe you love to host, and it LIGHTS YOU UP! But how do you ensure that if you’re going to host an event, that people are going to show up and even better, that they’re going to […]