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Top Ways to Sell Out Your Offer With Organic Marketing and Reach-Outs

There were only a few spots to be a part of a virtual summit – and in no time of “launching” the announcement, the opportunity to attend was sold out with a waiting list of women interested in attending the small group, closed-knitted group eager to learn about holistic health and beauty. No ads were […]

What imagery performs best with your content online to attract your ideal clients?

When it comes to posting online, you sometimes feel like you’re playing a guessing game. You’re not quite sure what works and what doesn’t. You know some of your stuff gets tons of engagement, and some of it doesn’t – but why? How? What’s the magic secret that’s going to get your ideal client’s attention? […]

How to Sell Out Events and Optimize Them for Lead Conversion

When it comes to being a business owner, hosting events isn’t just for fun and high vibes. Sure, maybe you love to host, and it LIGHTS YOU UP! But how do you ensure that if you’re going to host an event, that people are going to show up and even better, that they’re going to […]

Leap to Your Next Revenue Level by Saving Time and Physical Space

Your next revenue level here…and it’s buried beneath the papers in your home office, or among your never-ending to-do list. You know what it’s like to have your desk covered. You’re always searching for a pen or that one file you know you left in one spot. This mess might extend to other parts of […]

The Truth About Facebook, Instagram, Google, and LinkedIn Ads

How to attract more leads and paying clients with your ads.  Our MEDIA – The Creative Agency CEO, Marta Sauret Greca, admits that she’s said the words “Ads don’t work,” and “You can get all the leads you want with organic online content.” And now, she admits: “Things have changed in marketing over the past […]

How to Successfully Market Your Business with Professional Photos

  When you market your business, how do you want your audience to view you? Likely, you want to be seen as an expert in your field and highlight the best of yourself and what you have to offer. Professional photos are an excellent way to have your audience perceive you as an industry leader […]

Identifying Your “Why” as a Business Owner

If you knew that sharing your real, raw story could be the thing that propels you forward, would you do it more? At MEDIA, our goal is to showcase business owners in their most authentic light and present who they are at their core. We aim to do the same for the faces behind our […]