How to Successfully Market Your Business with Professional Photos
When you market your business, how do you want your audience to view you? Likely, you want to be seen as an expert in your field and highlight the best of yourself and what you have to offer. Professional photos are an excellent way to have your audience perceive you as an industry leader […]
Identifying Your “Why” as a Business Owner
If you knew that sharing your real, raw story could be the thing that propels you forward, would you do it more? At MEDIA, our goal is to showcase business owners in their most authentic light and present who they are at their core. We aim to do the same for the faces behind our […]
Why Your Words Have Power – Featuring Marta Sauret Greca
Imagine this: you’re brimming with life-changing information that your ideal clients need to know. You want to get your message out there, but there’s a little voice inside of you that keeps you from saying “yes” to the opportunities that could propel your message to a larger audience. Your words can’t change lives if you […]
Why Following Guidance from Your Source will Lead to Success – Featuring Amanda Kunkel
Have you ever wondered if the path toward a fulfilling career is leaving you stuck? Are you a high-achieving entrepreneur struggling to get to the next level and step into the best version of yourself? Along life’s journey it’s common to be caught up in constant financial stress and anxiety. Due to this, we often […]
How to Create an Authentic and Effective Business Model
When starting and maintaining a business, how do you know what to charge for services? Would creating packages be conducive to the type of services you offer, and will these seem reasonable to your clients? There are some points that every entrepreneur may need to take into consideration. These may include questions about the […]
Dr. Shellie Hipsky’s “Mom Magic” Mompreneur Movement!
Moms everywhere are about to gain massive support! Do you ever feel inadequate as a mother? Sometimes it seems as if no matter what we do as mothers, it’s not good enough, or we’re just plain wrong in our parenting approach. There’s a difference in numbers when it comes to fathers who feel their efforts […]
How to Know When it’s Time to Seek Legal Counsel for Your Business – Featuring Mike Nicolella
Have you wondered about the best direction for your business when selecting the perfect legal protection? Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the overabundance of information through courses or when you’re searching specific keywords? As a dedicated and work-focused entrepreneur, you want to provide the very best services to your clients. Therefore, reaching out […]
How to Cut Through the Noise of Social Media Using Professional Photographs – Featuring Laura Ellis
How can you reach your ideal audience through your online marketing more easily? It’s no secret that social media marketing is one of the best tools for small businesses to increase their visibility. That’s why 67% of small businesses use social media to market their business online. However, with so many businesses […]
How to Captivate Your Ideal Audience and Draw Them into Your Social Media Marketing – Featuring Wendy Neely
What can you do to leave a lasting impression through your online marketing? When entrepreneurs see other companies using colorful graphics online, they immediately want to create the same kind of content. It makes sense at first. Certainly they’re grabbing people’s attention, and you want to see the same kind of results. […]
The Top 5 Steps You Can Take to Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Journey – Featuring Katalin Reimann
Why is social media marketing so important for small businesses and entrepreneurs to grow their businesses? The idea of taking on social media marketing in a competitive market can be overwhelming. However, the benefits that social media marketing provides for you greatly outweigh your concerns. What you need to remember is that […]